KanyaMahaVidyalaya (Autonomous) at the end of its academic session organised pious Amar Jyoti function to give a traditional warm send off to the final year students. The chief guest for the occasion was Mrs Neerja Chander Mohan, Member, KMV Managing Committee. The function was presided by Dr. Kamal Gupta, Member, KMV Managing Committee. Also gracing the occasion were Dr. Sushma Chawla (Vice President KMV Managing committee),Dr Sushma Chopra, Secretary, KMV Managing Committee, Mrs Sushila Bhagat, Member, KMV Managing committee, Mrs Neeru Kapoor, Member, KMV Managing Committee & Mrs Promila, Welcoming one and all on the Amar Jyoti function of the college, Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi asserted that the function represented the traditional values and culture that the college stood for. Expressing reverence for the progressive education and traditionally rooted values for which the college stood she saluted the historic place which groomed the youthful girls holistically. Blessing the students she averred that having learned good values during their tenure in the college may they continuously achieve new unachieved heights in all they desired. The students sang the traditional songs ‘NamoDeshBhoomi Namaste Namaste’ and ‘Jai Jai Janni Jai Jai Mata’&also shared their beautiful memories on the occasion. All the members of the faculty who had taught Moral Education classes were also honoured with certificates&28 blood donors including teachers and students who donated the blood during the blood donation camp were also honoured with the certificates. Mrs Neerja addressing the students said that having received education at an institution known for its excellence they should contribute towards the upliftment of humanity. Smt. Sushila Bhagat also blessed the would be young graduates. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of Dr Shalini Gulati, Dr Poonam Sharma and the whole organising committee for successfully organising the event.